Landcrafters Florida: Learning Center

7 Fall Cleanup Essentials For All Landscapes

Written by Michael Tomaino | Feb 20, 2024 5:03:17 PM
To many people, Fall is the most beautiful season of them all. Numerous shades of green, yellow, red, and brown – everywhere you turn outdoors. A spectacular and glamorous scenery to be enjoyed at our forests, parks, and, of course, our yards and gardens.

But, all of those amazing leaves are going to fall down, covering your lawn, flower beds, filling your pathways and gutters. Gradually, the wind is going to move all of the Fall debris to the places it can provide damage over time. And we’re not only talking about the damage some of the plants and the lawn might have from being covered with leaves. We’re also talking about undermining the effectiveness of your drainage and irrigation systems.

Other than that, the Fall is actually the perfect time for some work to be done on your landscape, so the turf and the plants are in perfect condition for the upcoming Spring blooming.

Remove The Fallen Debris

Like we said earlier, fallen leaves can damage the lawn, the plants, and your drainage and irrigation systems. They are also a perfect ground for the emergence of certain pests and diseases that can make harm to your beautiful green area.

Nurture The Turf

As most of your plants go into a dormant period, now is the right time to prepare the soil for the next growing season. You can achieve this by fertilizing the grounds at certain areas, adding valuable nutrients to the root systems of grass, plants, and trees around your outdoor area. You can also aerate your lawn – making a foundation for the healthier growth of all plants.

Get Rid Of The Weeds

Clean up all flower and plant beds from weeds. Even though this is something you’re hopefully doing on a regular basis, getting rid of the weeds during the Fall months is especially important. That way, you will force annoying pests to find a Winter refuge somewhere else.

Protect Sensitive Plants

Even though Florida’s wintertime is very mild comparing to the rest of the United States, we still encounter several cold waves that can damage the sensitive plants. Luckily, you can use numerous tools and techniques to cover those plants so they survive even the harshest Winter periods.

Plant (And Replant)

This is the time that’s most suitable for plants to be (re)planted. Most of them are already entering the dormant period, and will use the Winter to fight through the stress of being (re)planted, and to perfectly adapt to the new surroundings. So, if you wanted to move some of the plants to the other parts of your outdoor area, or to introduce the new plants – the Fall is the perfect time to do it.

Introduce Mulch

Adding mulch to selected areas of your yard during the Fall doesn’t only have an aesthetic purpose. Mulching the beds of certain types of trees and plants will help them get through the Winter without any trouble. They will reward you when the Spring comes, growing richer than ever before.

Irrigate Your Greenery

Even though the Summer is way behind us, your grass, plants, and trees still need to be watered in order to remain healthy, and to enter the dormant period in the best possible shape. The best time of the day to irrigate the plants around your garden is during the morning hours.

It doesn’t matter if you’re going to take care of the Fall cleanup all by yourself, or you’re going to save your valuable time and call specialists – these were the essential things your landscape needs to keep it beautiful and healthy. No matter if you’re managing your own little home garden, or a huge commercial landscape.