residential landscape mainteance garden beds 6

Residential Landscape Maintenance Program

Full-Service Maintenance

Starting At $650 Per Month
Comprehensive, detailed care for the homeowner that wants a worry-free property
* Example prices based on a typical 1/4 acre property
Features Full-Service Maintenance
Turf Management Approx. 42 Services/Year: Mowing, edging (every other visit), blowing and misc. detail work
Bed Weed Control Approx. 18 Services/Year: Treating, pulling, and managing weeds in flower beds
Shrub Trimming Approx. 12 Services/Year: Shearing and pruning based on plant species needs
Plant Cutbacks Approx. 1-2 Services/Year: Cutting back perennials and grass. during the spring or after last freeze
Ornamental Tree Trimming Approx. 4 Services/Year: Prune various small trees for better health and appearance
Palm Tree Trimming Approx. 4 Services/Year: Prune trees under 15' for better appearance and health
Plant Health Care Program 4 Services/Year: Treatments to reduce pests and improve color and vigor on ornamental plants
Lawn Care Program 5 Services/Year: Fertilizer, weed and insect control treatments for healthier grass
Irrigation Maintenance 12 Times/Year: Inspection, cleaning, repair of nozzles, seasonal adjustments
Quality Assurance Inspections 12 Times/Year: Review of conditions, identification of issues, and recommendations
Annual Landscape Audit Detailed report of property issues, progress, and proactive plan for following year

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