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The Complete Guide to HOA Landscaping in Tampa Bay

Michael Tomaino Michael Tomaino

When it comes to managing an HOA property, excellence is simple - create a space that looks and feels premium at all times. As an HOA board member or a property manager, you know that managing a property like this takes constant care as well as keen attention to detail. 

HOA members want to know that the money they’re putting into their fees is going toward keeping the property stunning seamlessly.

One of the best ways to do that? Invest in HOA landscaping–from design and installation to maintenance and seasonal services. 

If you’re unsure where to start with HOA landscaping - who to turn to, HOA landscaping ideas, what to look for in HOA landscaping partner, or even what the standard of excellence looks like in Tampa Bay HOA landscaping - you’ve come to the right place. 

In this guide, we’ll provide HOA board and property managers like you with a comprehensive resource all about effective landscaping strategies.

Account manager walking with HOA board member around property 3

We’ll walk you through the ins and outs of all things HOA landscaping in Tampa Bay. From understanding the basics and sharing design tips to leveling up your maintenance strategy and helping you choose the right landscaping partner - we’ll share it all. 

Table of Contents 

Understanding the Basics of HOA Landscaping in Tampa Bay
HOA Landscape Design Tips & Ideas 
HOA Landscape Maintenance Strategies
Budgeting and Financial Planning for HOA Landscaping
Choosing the Right HOA Landscaping Company in Tampa Bay
Everything You Need to Know About HOA Landscaping in Tampa Bay (And Then Some)

Understanding the Basics of HOA Landscaping in Tampa Bay

If an HOA landscaping service isn’t something you’ve invested in yet for your property, it’s helpful to understand the foundation of these kinds of services. Getting a feel for how landscaping can benefit your property and residents, as well as what goes into this kind of investment, is a great place to start. 

The Technicalities of HOA Landscaping in Tampa Bay

Let’s start out by busting an important HOA landscaping myth - HOA landscaping isn’t just a service where your go-to crew shows up and mows the grass, blows the leaves, and then, well, leaves. 

A proper HOA landscaping service - especially when it comes to maintenance - will include elements like the ones we’ve listed out below. 

Elevated Design that Works for Your Property 

HOA landscaping design is all about creating a space that works for your community, pleases your residence, and is suitable to maintain. One of the main components of solid landscape design - HOA or not - is designing an elevated landscape that works for the amount of maintenance you’ll be able to provide. 

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Custom Care for Your Specific Needs 

The right kind of HOA landscape services will focus on solving your property’s specific issues and creating solutions for your one-of-a-kind challenges. At Landcrafters, we understand that while a lot of the same care applies to HOA communities, every property is different. That means custom attention and solutions need to be part of the process–from design and installation to ongoing maintenance. 

For example, if your property is facing a specific Tampa Bay lawn problem, like pests or fungus, Landcrafters can ensure that part of your HOA’s regular maintenance includes solving these issues and preventing them from happening again. 

close up inspecting weeds on lawn

Irrigation Advice 

HOA landscaping also has a lot to do with caring for, improving, and maintaining your irrigation system. A premium landscaping team will help you monitor your irrigation system to save you money, upgrade your system to serve your property better and optimize your budget all at once. 

Climate Needs & Challenges

There are lots of specific technicalities that go into proper HOA landscape care - and the wild weather of Florida is certainly one that applies to Tampa Bay HOAs. We both know that Florida is infamous for its dry droughts, monsoon-style rainstorms, hot and humid days, and cold weather snaps that happen without warning. A proper HOA landscaping team will tackle these technicalities as part of their service. 

Seasonal Support 

HOA landscaping services will offer evolving support as the seasons change. A knowledgeable HOA team knows that as the seasons come and go, the type of care transitions. 

This could look like changing out flower beds to optimize seasonal colors. More substantial support looks like prepping before and after seasons that impact Tampa Bay, like hurricane season. 

landscape crew planting new annuals

Consistent Maintenance for Ongoing Care

 Ultimately, HOA landscaping services are also focused on providing ongoing care that feels seamless. The goal of this kind of service is to ensure that upkeep is a top priority and maintenance never falls to the wayside - the grass always looks well kept, flora and fauna are kept healthy and thriving, shrubs and trees are trimmed properly, and the safety of your community is maintained. 

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The Benefits of HOA Landscaping for Your HOA Community 

At the end of the day, so much effort and attention goes into making sure a property looks and feels elevated. There are a wide variety of benefits that HOA landscaping can bring to your unique Tampa Bay community or property, like: 

  • Curb Appeal: First impressions matter, and landscaping can make or break how someone reacts to your HOA property. Whether they’re driving past, stopping by, or planning on moving in, an eye-catching aesthetic can differentiate your HOA from other properties.
  • Usable Outdoor Space: Providing the community with usable outdoor space can encourage those who live within the HOA property to behave like a community. The more well-designed and well-maintained your outdoor spaces are, the more likely residents are to use and enjoy them.
  • Enhancing Property Value: Investing in community landscapes can boost the property values of the homes or properties inside your HOA community. Space outdoor spaces, shady trees, stunning green spaces, aesthetic entrances–all of these things elevate your HOA and increase the value of the property. 
  • Safer Spaces: A well-maintained landscape is a safe landscape. With an HOA landscaping team, you’ll have someone to consistently address unforeseen threats like falling tree limbs, small problems like poorly lit walkways, and even unruly roots that can trip residents.
  • Resident Satisfaction: The residents who call your HOA community home will feel satisfied with their living experience. This goes above and beyond getting their money’s worth out of their HOA fees–it’s about the sense of peace, relaxation, and happiness they’ll feel when they arrive home at the end of the day to see their outdoor spaces manicured, lovely, and vibrant.   
  • Landscaping ROI: Landscaping is an investment - but stunning design and proper maintenance could be the factor that pushes an on-the-fence resident to sign on to join your community. As a property manager or board member, you know that kind of ROI is substantial.  

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HOA Landscape Design Tips & Ideas 

An elevated HOA landscape starts with the concepts and ideas that make up the design. It’s important to design a property that stands out, but it’s also crucial to consider other factors like functionality, ease of maintenance, and ROI. 

If you want the perfect-fit HOA landscape for your Tampa Bay property, we recommend considering some of our favorite HOA landscape design tips for Tampa Bay we share with our clients:  

  • Select Native Trees and Plants: Choosing Florida native trees, flowers, and shrubs like Crepe Myrtle, Little Gem Magnolia, and plenty of palm trees is a great way to infuse a Florida vibe into your Tampa Bay HOA property. As a bonus, maintaining native trees, plants, and flowers can also be more affordable than choosing flora and fauna that don’t grow or thrive in Florida natively. These native Florida plants will likely survive the tough Florida seasons and our wild climate a bit better than non-native plants.
  • Design for Aesthetics & Functionality: Try to blend both aesthetics and functionality into your design plan. It’s so easy to lean too hard into either direction without considering the other, but truly they both have to be considered for a landscape that looks and feels harmonious. 
  • Ease of Season Coordination: Consider how you can swap out seasonal elements in your landscape from the very start of your design process. This way, when the time comes for seasonal management, you’ve worked this consideration into your design, and maintenance will be seamless and stress-free for your team.
  • Blending Indoor & Outdoor: If you’re looking for your residents to enjoy Florida’s glorious flora and fauna without forcing them to be outdoors for all of it (especially in the brutal summer), consider a design that blends indoor-outdoor for a Florida feel. Outdoor kitchens, covered porches, and more can be a great way to add Florida outdoor feelings to your covered indoor spaces.
  • Consider Your Budget From the Start: While this isn’t always the most fun part of your design process, you’ll want to consider your regular budget for landscaping when choosing a layout and design. Creating a stunning landscape is one thing–creating a stunning landscape that needs care beyond your current budgetary constraints is another. Make sure that you don’t include features in your design that would be impossible to maintain with your specific budget.
  • Consider Modern Approaches: While a tried-and-true design is iconic for a reason, we always encourage our clients to break the mold and opt for something eye-catching and modern. Trends like breaking the symmetry in your landscape with asymmetrical design can help break up the space, add a little intrigue, and draw positive attention to your property.
  • Include Lighting: When designing your landscape, consider safety and the visual appeal of lighting. Providing ample lighting in your landscape spaces can keep your residents safe and encourage them to gather in your beautiful landscape from sunrise to sunset.
  • Outdoor Gathering Spaces are a Must: Speaking of gathering, it’s wise to include plenty of open gathering spaces as opportunities for your residents to gather. When designing these spaces in your landscape, consider maintenance, longevity, and aesthetic appeal. Consider additions like water features, proper lighting, showstopping plants, shade, seating, and more. 

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HOA Landscape Maintenance Strategies

Of course, HOA landscape design and installation is just half the excitement. When all is said and designed, the real fun begins - routine HOA landscape maintenance. 

Tampa Bay landscape maintenance companies should have a few different areas of focus when it comes to proper maintenance. 

Why Regular HOA Landscape Maintenance Services are a Must 

Creating a beautiful HOA landscape means nothing if you don’t invest in ongoing maintenance. Here’s a harsh reality - all the effort, design, and ingenuity you put into your landscape truly goes to waste if consistent attention and care are not directed toward it. 

residential landscape maintenance crew cleaning up flower bed 3

Because of this, HOA landscape maintenance services should directly focus on: 

Essential Maintenance Tasks 

  • Lawn Care & Maintenance: Ongoing lawn care doesn’t just mean a reliable schedule for mowing. This should go above and beyond by providing adequate treatment when lawn issues arise, ensuring proper hydration with reliable irrigation systems, regular preventative care to keep problems from happening in the first place, and strict adherence to the specific standards you set for your property’s lawn.
  • Tree, Shrub, & Plant Care: Your foliage needs consistent attention to thrive. From ensuring your flora and fauna are hydrated and happy to pruning and trimming your trees and shrubs as needed, your team should provide you with consistent and ongoing care to ensure the health and protection of your landscape investment.
  • Irrigation Maintenance: Ongoing and consistent irrigation maintenance is the backbone of a proper maintenance strategy. Reliable irrigation systems keep your property lush and thriving year-round. Irrigation protects your investment–if you’re dealing with less-than-perfect irrigation strategies and systems, your landscape maintenance team isn’t properly maintaining your landscape.  

Irrigation system watering plants along street 1

Seasonal Maintenance Strategies 

As the seasons change, your landscape’s needs change, too. Proper maintenance looks like an ebb and flow of what your HOA property needs to thrive at any given season–preparing your 

Landscape Safety, Local Regulations, & Sustainability 

The right kind of HOA landscape maintenance goes above and beyond just making sure things are beautiful and functional–it also ensures that your property is safe. Regular maintenance means trimming and pruning tree limbs that could be a hazard, uprooting troublesome weeds or removing branches that might be a trip ‘n’ fall waiting to happen, and clearing leaves, grass clippings, and other trimmings that could be home to harmful pests. 

More than that, though, your HOA landscape maintenance team will know the local landscaping laws, have safety procedures on lock, and even know what the most important sustainability practices are for your area. 

landscape crew planting flowers near entrance sign

Budgeting and Financial Planning for HOA Landscaping

When it comes to maintaining your HOA landscape, there are a ton of factors to consider - aesthetics, scope of services, the right team, and more. 

One factor that has to be a top priority (even if we wish it didn’t)? Your HOA landscaping budget

No matter what it looks like, the reality is that as a property manager or HOA board member, you’ve got a certain budget you need to stick to for your HOA landscaping projects. 

If you’re not sure how you can balance the budget to ensure you get everything you want, we’ve got a few go-to tips for managing your costs, saving money, and getting the most out of your services

  1. When it comes to plants, go with native options. Because native plants thrive in Florida (through all kinds of weather), it’s less expensive to care for hardy, Florida-born plants than those that need constant attention and detailed maintenance.
  2. Start with simple designs & focus on maintenance. Focus most of your budget on simple design and maximum maintenance. You could spend a chunk of your budget on an elaborate or sophisticated design–but maintaining that sort of landscape is expensive. Plan for a stunning but simple design complemented by consistent and detailed maintenance. 
  3. Choose low-to-no maintenance landscapes. Instead of opting for a 100% organic plan, consider adding elements that require little to care like decorative rocks, crushed shells, mulch, pebbles, and brick pathways. 
  4. Prioritize the most important maintenance (like irrigation). Even though every step of your HOA landscaping maintenance plan is important, some score higher on the hierarchy than others. Focus on what matters most first, then allocate to other areas if you can.
  5. Protect your investment. If you’re going to spend money on creating a beautiful HOA landscape, it’s absolutely essential to view it as an investment–and maintenance (and spending money on maintenance) is the only way to protect that investment. 

The right landscaping partner can help you create the right service list for the right budget, so make sure you communicate your particular scope of work and budgetary constraints with them honestly. 

landscape crew mowing large green grass area

Choosing the Right HOA Landscaping Company in Tampa Bay

The hardest part of implementing an HOA landscaping service? Choosing the right landscaping company to do it. 

Our advice? 

First, research your local partners with this kind of criteria in mind:

  • What services they offer, and what the scope of services look like
  • How they fit into your budget
  • What seasonal landscaping looks like
  • How past clients review their work and their communication skills
  • How current clients talk about their services 
  • If they’re available to tackle your property’s scope of work
  • If they’re licensed and insured
  • What their version of effective communication look and feel like 

Crew member pruning bush next to water

Second, when you’ve narrowed it down to a few qualified landscapers who appeal to you, and you’re evaluating bids, make sure you ask important HOA-related & Tampa Bay-specific questions like: 

  • How long have you worked with HOAs in Tampa Bay?
  • Tell me about your license and certification. How would that work if something happened on our property?
  • How do you manage irrigation concerns year-round?
  • How do you navigate Florida’s wild and unpredictable weather?
  • How do you address Florida’s seasonality within your services?
  • Have your employees undergone background checks in the licensed and certified sections?
  • What’s your company culture like? What’s important to your organization? 

Finally, get your HOA board members and residents involved to help you make the right decision for your property. Explain to your residents and board members that they’re opinions matter–it’s their space, too! Gather feedback, get suggestions, call meetings and have them help you choose the right HOA landscaping company that fits your needs and your community. 

Everything You Need to Know About HOA Landscaping in Tampa Bay (And Then Some)

It’s been our mission with this resource to share everything we know (and think you should know, too!) about HOA landscaping in Tampa Bay. But just to recap, here are a few of the main points we want to make sure you take away with you before you go. 

  • HOA landscaping is a must for your property because it benefits your residents, raises property values, adds to curb appeal, can maximize your ROI, elevates your space, unifies your community, and honestly just adds a sense of peace and happiness within your HOA community.
  • Tampa Bay HOA landscaping is a totally unique ballgame. Just because one style of landscaping works in another area of the country or even the state, that doesn’t necessarily translate to best practices here. A qualified HOA team should know, live in, and understand the Tampa Bay area inside and out to help you create and maintain a stunning property.
  • HOA landscape design should blend beauty, function, unity, and budget–a successful HOA landscape needs all these pieces.
  • HOA landscape maintenance is about so much more than mowing grass and blowing leaves. HOA maintenance is an involved process that prioritizes the ongoing betterment of your property–that can mean pruning, trimming, creating a safer space, swapping out flowers, tending to native plants, monitoring or upgrading your irrigation system, helping you design new community areas, and so much more.
  • When it comes to choosing the right landscaping team, it’s not just about budget. Focusing on an HOA landscaping company’s reputation, culture, communication style, scope of services, licensing and insurance, and so much more are key elements in choosing your perfect-fit partner. 

We hope you embrace the new and exciting world of HOA landscaping. We can’t wait to see what your property looks like after implementing these guidelines and adding an HOA landscaping team. 

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Your Next Step Toward a Seamless, Stunning HOA Landscape in Tampa Bay

Your next move? Finding the right HOA landscaping company to fit your needs, reach your goals, and please your community. The good news? We’ve got you covered. If you’re ready to create and maintain the HOA landscape of your dreams, our team can help. 

Contact us for a free consultation today by clicking the button below and see how we can help you design, install, maintain, or elevate your HOA landscape.

Request Consultation

Michael Tomaino

Michael Tomaino

Head Gardener for Landcrafters, Inc. Michael Tomaino, a cornerstone of Landcrafters since its inception, oversees all aspects of business operations with a wealth of experience. With years of adept team management and leadership under his belt, coupled with a robust educational background, both within and beyond the industry, Michael is dedicated to steering Landcrafters towards becoming the foremost landscape management provider in the Tampa Bay Area.