Crew adjusting irrigation controls

Water Restrictions and Irrigation: A Tampa HOA Guide

Tom McCoy Tom McCoy

The Tampa Bay, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg areas are home to some truly magnificent high-end HOA communities. From breathtaking beach views to resort-style amenities, these luxurious living arrangements are appealing on many levels. No matter the theme, distinctive features, or marketing materials, one thing unites all of these properties–stellar landscaping.

A gorgeous property with subpar landscaping leaves a lot to be desired. It’s like fine dining on paper plates or world-class art in a dark room. Landscaping is what brings disparate elements of a property together, helps them realize their full potential, and elevates a community to the upper echelons of luxury.

To achieve this vision of excellence and maintain it year-round, irrigation is essential. However, proper irrigation is not as simple as turning on a faucet and letting it run. There are conservation goals to meet, particularly fussy plants to tend to, and Florida HOA landscaping rules to follow.

HOA Irrigation in Florida

If you are a property manager or HOA board member tasked with taking care of the community, irrigation is an important consideration to put atop your list. It is at the intersection of several paramount topics of HOA management, including landscaping, aesthetics, curb appeal, resident experience, and budget, making it imperative to prioritize.

Irrigation system watering plants along street 1

What are the Water Restrictions in My Area?

This is the first and most important question you should ask before devising an irrigation plan or implementing your watering strategy. Abiding by Florida HOA landscaping rules is essential both on principle and in practice. These restrictions are in place to help conserve water, limit waste, and adapt to droughts.

In Tampa, for example, water use restrictions were implemented in 1992 and have been enforced ever since. While they are subject to change, especially in the event of unseasonable dry spells or other external factors, you can easily familiarize yourself with the general guidelines.

Keep in mind that there are exceptions in certain situations. If installing a new lawn, there is a unique 30-day schedule to follow that helps establish the new lawn. This schedule differs from the typical watering restrictions to account for the different needs of new versus established sod.

As of August 2024, there's a once-per-week lawn watering restriction for Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas Counties. Here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  • Lawn watering is limited to no more than once per week
  • Lawn watering days and times are as follows (unless your city or county has a different or stricter schedule in effect)
    • If your address ends in..
  • 0 or 1–water only on Monday
  • 2 or 3–water only on Tuesday
  • 4 or 5–water only on Wednesday
  • 6 or 7–water only on Thursday
  • 8 or 9–water only on Friday 

When in doubt, it is best to work with a local expert who knows the ins and outs of HOA watering in Tampa. You can also contact your local authorities if you need specific information or clarification of the guidelines found online. It is better to go above and beyond than accidentally violate the restrictions and potentially face fines and court.

irrigation system watering plants along road

Florida HOA Landscaping Rules

Many HOA communities have strict bylaws and aren’t afraid to enforce them. This is particularly true of anything that disrupts the aesthetic harmony of the property. That’s why many luxury communities implement architectural restrictions and uphold their landscaping to high standards.

However, there are limitations to the power an HOA can assert over the landscaping in its community. If an HOA dictates what can or cannot be planted on the property, those guidelines are superseded by Florida HOA landscaping rules, which state that a property owner can plant “Florida-friendly landscaping.”

What exactly does this mean? In short, it means that any landscaping that protects Florida’s environment, conserves water, is tolerant of drought, and is adaptable to local conditions is allowed–regardless of what the HOA bylaws say. This is a seemingly simple approach to a complex topic, essentially allowing the various plants, landscaping elements, designs, maintenance methods, and more to be embraced so long as they fit the criteria of “Florida-friendly.”

How to Irrigate Efficiently

Knowing the Florida HOA landscaping rules and your region’s water usage restrictions will play an integral role in your irrigation strategy, but it is not the end-all-be-all. There are many reasons to emphasize efficient irrigation for HOA watering in Tampa, ranging from a more vibrant landscape to a lower utility bill. The good news is that crafting a thriving landscape while conserving water is easier now than ever before.

Investing in a smart irrigation system is the best way to conserve water, keep your landscape healthy, and save money in the long run. Not only does such a system allow you to easily stay in compliance with local regulations, but it will have numerous features that go above and beyond to keep your HOA community beautiful with limited water usage.

Smart irrigation systems account for the weather, time of day, and other environmental factors, automatically adjusting their schedules and watering usage to maximize the health of plants and prevent over- or under-watering. Additionally, they often have built-in monitoring that can alert you (or your HOA landscape maintenance provider) of potential issues like leaks. This ensures problems are caught and fixed quickly, avoiding catastrophic water waste and costly damage.

Micro-irrigation is often used alongside smart irrigation to deliver precision amounts of water to exactly the right place. This helps tailor your irrigation system to your unique landscaping needs, thereby limiting water use while keeping your plants healthy (further reducing maintenance and replacement costs).

Sprikler irrigation spraying annual flowers around palm

Working with an HOA Professional Landscaping Service

Whether you want to maximize the landscaping of your high-end Tampa Bay property while adhering to water restrictions in your area or you want to embrace water conservation in every way possible, working with a local professional landscaping service is one of the best ways to accomplish your goals.

Not only will a landscaping company in Tampa Bay, Clearwater, or St. Petersburg know the local guidelines better than anyone, but they will also have the experience and expertise to achieve your dream landscape within those parameters. From designing and implementing a smart irrigation system specifically for your HOA property to utilizing water-saving landscaping techniques–from native plants to xeriscaping–working with a landscape professional lets you have your proverbial cake and eat it, too.

Sod beach along ocean being watered with irrigation
To learn more about Florida HOA landscaping rules and how a professional HOA landscape company can help your property reach its full potential, don’t hesitate to reach out to Landcrafters. With 25 years of excellence in the Tampa Bay area, Landcrafters has the experience and expertise to elevate your HOA property to the level you’ve dreamed of.

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Tom McCoy

Tom McCoy